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Chinese Police Order for Border of North Korea and China - March 2013



Chinese Police Order for Border of North Korea and China - March 2013

Report of Yanbian to launch a blow to North Koreans escaping and those who try illegally help North Koreans trying to escape

To every unit:

In order to give a blow to those illegally criminally helping those crossing the border at Yanbian and to give a blow to stop the illegal trans-boundary criminal situation at Yanbian, which day by day is rampant; in order to stop the criminals' arrogance, maintain Yanbian county's harmony and stability, especially we launch a blow to illegal border crossers (who want to escape North Korea)

First, method of launching activity: Every unit, every camp will mainly check trucks. From time to time randomly check. Anyone who already knows about this, but does not report it to us, will have severe punishment and will be on the black list, and we will investigate them for their legal responsibility.

Second, about reward for information: If information is provided to find 3 to 5 people illegal border crossers, we will award ¥500. IF information is provided before the end of March, we will award ¥1000. Whoever provides information to find over 5 illegal border crossers, the award will be ¥1000, and if the information is provided before the end of March, we will award ¥2000.

We hope the majority of the people will have positive cooperation with the police, be friends with the police, and fight this illegal criminal activity. The Chinese police men stationed at the border between North Korea and China will strongly examine every truck to find North Korea defectors and anyone who helps defectors. They will give rewards to those who find them and if someone finds them before the end of March, they will reward them more money. We ask Yanbian citizens to cooperate on this.

포상금까지 내걸고… 탈북자 색출 나선 中 기사입력 2013-03-14 03:00:00 기사수정 2013-03-14 09:56:05 굶주린 北주민 범죄 늘자 中공안 단속강화 공문 하달 중국 지린(吉林) 성 옌볜(延邊) 조선족자치주 공안 당국이 탈북자의 이동을 차단하기 위해 지난달 말 산하 공안 및 변방대에 포상금 액수를 적시한 내부 공문을 하달했다. 동아일보가 단독 입수한 내부 공문은 중국이 탈북자 색출에 포상금을 내걸었다는 과거 언론 보도를 확인해 주는 것이다. 중국 소식통이 12일 전한 공문에 따르면 3명에서 5명 미만의 탈북자를 신고하면 신고자가 500위안(약 8만8000원)의 포상금을 받는 것으로 나타나 있다. 3월까지 신고하면 두 배인 1000위안을 받는다. 5인 이상 탈북자를 신고하면 1000위안을 받는데, 이 역시 3월까지 신고한 사람에게는 2000위안을 준다. 이 공문엔 “옌볜 주 불법 월경 범죄가 점차 창궐하는 추세를 보이고 있다. 범죄 분자의 맹렬한 기세를 꺾고 옌볜 주의 화해 안정을 지키기 위하여 불법 월경자에 대한 운송 특별 단속 활동을 전개하라”고 명시돼 있다. 소식통에 따르면 최근 북-중 국경 지역에선 실제로 북한인의 범죄가 빈발하고 있다. 특히 북한이 올 초부터 전쟁 위기를 고조시켜 장마당이 위축되는 바람에 배고픔에 시달리던 주민과 군인들이 중국으로 넘어가 민가를 약탈하는 사례가 늘고 있다. 중국이 탈북자 색출 방식으로 이들의 이동을 차단하는 데 역점을 둔 것은 눈길을 끄는 대목. 공문에는 “대형 여객버스를 주요 점검 대상으로 불시 검문을 진행하고, 상황을 알고도 신고하지 않는 자는 엄히 단속하며 관련 부서의 블랙리스트에 포함시켜 법률적인 책임을 물어라”고 적혀 있다. 주성하 기자

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Chinese authorities launch search for North Korean refugees… Reward money offered…

As crimes committed by hungry North Korean refugees increase, Chinese authorities launch decree concerning increased police crackdown

Chinese authorities in Yanbian, Jilin Province issued an order to crackdown on the movement of North Korean refugees and also offered a monetary award for enforcing this crackdown. This document, which has been obtained exclusively by Dong A Ilbo, confirms that Chinese authorities have indeed offered financial reward for finding and arresting North Korean refugees.

According to sources in China, if three to five North Korean refugees are reported, the person who reported in the refugees will receive 500 yuans (about 88,000 KRW). Those who report until March will be paid double, 1000 yuans. Those who report more than 5 refugees will receive 1000 yuan also, and for those who report more than five refugees until March, will also get paid double, 2000 yuans.

This document also states, “give a blow to stop the illegal trans-boundary criminal situation at Yanbian, which day by day is rampant; in order to stop the criminals' arrogance, maintain Yanbian county's harmony and stability, especially we launch a blow to illegal border crossers (who want to escape North Korea).”

The sources also indicate that there is an increasing frequency of crimes being committed by North Korean refugees in the China-North Korea border areas. Especially now, there is an increasing number of North Korean citizens and soldiers crossing the border into North Korea to escape the hunger, due to the increased fears of the chances of war happening, and also the crackdown on the black markets.

The emphasis of the Chinese authorities to crack down on the movement of the North Korean refugees and thereby find them has the noticeable passage in the document: “Every unit, every camp will mainly check trucks. From time to time randomly check. Anyone who already knows about this, but does not report it to us, will have severe punishment and will be on the black list, and we will investigate them for their legal responsibility.”

Reporter: Joo Sung Ha