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North Korea Freedom Week 2016 Acknowledgements

13th Annual North Korea Freedom Week, April 24-30, 2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea

We are pleased to provide this report to acknowledge the many individuals and organizations participating in the 13th annual North Korea Freedom Week. Below you will find links to press clips and photos compiled by Kang Seo and Jason West to share with you from NKFW.

This year’s themes focused on the role of the North Koreans in ending the Kim Jong Eun regime especially through their effective methods getting information into and out of North Korea and the role and responsibilities of North Koreans after the fall of the Kim Jong Eun regime. We had tremendous coverage of NKFW with close to 400 articles in the South Korean media including television news coverage and interviews during the week in which we emphasized the importance of supporting the work of the North Korean defectors, preparing for regime collapse and the role of defectors in unification. Perhaps, most important for the first time in the 13 years of NKFW, we more than tripled the daily broadcast of Free North Korea Radio, so that the 23 million people of North Korea would hear coverage and news about all the events of North Korea Freedom Week.

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